Mapping the Route to Tokyo for 49er, 49erFX, and Nacra 17

World Sailing and the IOC have finally concluded the Tokyo 2020 qualification system, including continental qualification. The 49er has 19 spots at the games, 20 for the Nacra 17, and 21 for the 49erFX. The previous baseline of 20 was slightly adjusted to account for a 50-50 male-female ratio at the games, while managing to […]

Deutschland Sailors Stake Early Podium Spots in 49er and FX

After losing the first two days of the 2017 49er and FX World Championship to a lack of sailable conditions, Day 3 of the 2017 Worlds opened under yet another curtain of fog, rain, and light air.  With a tantalizing breeze a few miles offshore just beyond the fog banks, frustration reigned ashore for sailors, […]

A great first day in Lelystad, Holland

It’s been a great day of sailing in the Bataviahaven of Lelystad, Holland for the first day of the 2016 Junior World Championship in 49er and 49erFX. Although there was not always enough wind, the weather was lovely with lot’s of sun and 25 degrees. In the morning the 49er’s left the shore for the […]

Man Meat of the 49er Class: You’ll Want to Eat them Right Up!

Buenos Aires, Argentina. A sexy scene of tango clubs, tasty parillos (some of the best steak houses you’ve ever stepped foot near), and of course the suave spanish speaking natives that will have you falling into their rolling “r’s” in no time. Some other pieces of meat that might get overlooked currently in Buenos Aires […]

The Last Cool Town In The World

The World of 49er Sailing has descended to San Isidro, a lovely suburb of Buenos Aires, Argentina.  The neighborhood stretches their hands to embrace another group of sailors to their ultra cool town nestled within a massive city.  Picture semi restored VW beatles and ex-army jeeps lining the streets with brightly colored houses, each unique […]

Stunning Day to Kick off 49erFX Europeans in Porto

The sun rose, sailors rigged, and the 2015 49er & 49erFX European Championship started on time under blue skies, light winds, and fair swell.  Two fleet of the worlds best skiff sailors took to the water to compete in the 49erFX, witht the men’s 49er scheduled to start the following day. The fleets were divided […]

49er EM har efterladt ét stort gyldent aftryk

En stor uge i dansk sejlsport er netop afsluttet. 2013 SAP 49er European Championship i Aarhus har flyttet grænserne for, hvad sejlsport er i stand til. Under søndagens finalesejladser var der samlet over 2.000 tilskuere på havnemolen ved Aarhus Lystbådehavn. Mesterskabets storsponsor SAP stod bag tv-livedækning, der nåede ud til sejlerfans fra hele verden, og […]

I dag bliver EM-medaljerne fordelt

2013 SAP 49er European Championship afgøres i dag i Danmarks sejlsportsby nummer 1. Siden tirsdag har verdens bedste 49er-sejlere dystet i intense sejladser på Aarhus-bugten, og Danmark har særdeles gode medaljechancer. Især hos kvinderne, hvor de lokale helte Ida Marie Baad Nielsen og Marie Thusgaard Olsen inden dagens finaler fører med 11 point ned til […]

Da klubben integrerede Tiny Maerschalk

Tager man turen bag kulissen af 2013 SAP 49er European Championship i Aarhus er der risiko for at støde på personer med historier, der på visse punkter overhaler historierne om de sportslige resultater. Tiny Maerschalk har en af disse historier. Hun er blandt de 130 frivillige, som er med til at pleje den store og […]

Svingende dag for herrerne under EM

De danske herrer havde svært ved at leve op til de danske kvinders flotte resultat tidligere på dagen. Jonas Warrer og Peter Lang er dog stadig med i ræset om medaljer. De engelske kommentatorer fra live-dækningen var ikke i tvivl inden dagens sejladser for mændene i guldfeltet. De danske både måtte have et lokalkendskab og […]