Miami Winter Series a First for 49er and 49erFX Sailing
For the first time ever, we´ll have a completely organized winter series in North America in 2013 for 49er´s and FX´s. All the fun begins January 17th and runs through February 10th. The series will be based in the winter hub of sailing, beautiful Miami, FL, USA. Miami is a great city to visit and […]
2012 South American Championship the Start of a Big 4 years
After 4 days of racing, the 2012 49er South American championship ended after completing 9 races. Organized by the “Club Universitario Buenos Aires” in Argentina, 6 boats raced for the South American title. 2 boats from brazil, and 4 boats from Argentina, made this regatta a great chance for the teams to prepare for the […]
Assigned Sail Numbers 49erFX Table
Team Names Country PSN Year Valid Muller/Kendall AUS 100 2013 Maloney/Meech NZL 111 2013 Lin/Cenholt DEN 112 2013 Sommarlund SWE 113 2013 Parkinson/Lathouras AUS 117 2013 Rossel SWE 137 2013 Noble 148 2013 Roca/Reyes ESP 159 2013 Aleh NZL 175 2013 Capdevila/Diaz ESP 180 2013 Clark GBR 200 2013 Lane USA 216 2013 Hahlbrock […]
2013 Worlds
The 2013 49er and 49erFX World Championships are in Marseilles, France, from Sept 21-29, 2013. Marseilles is the home to the French 49er teams and is ideally situated for a World Championships. This page is for sailors planning on attending the championship so we can communicate items of note for you. Location Bonneviene, Marseilles, France. […]
2013 Europeans
The 2013 European Championships will be held in Aarhus, Denmark, from June 29-July 7, 2013. Aarhus is the skiff home base for team Denmark and has been an innovator in regatta hosting. We are really in for a treat. In addition, the championship will take pace at the same time as the Tall Ships festival, […]
Assigned Sail Numbers 49erFX
ISAF Update
Dear 49er Sailor Peter Kruger Andersen and I, supported by Ben Remocker and Jerelyn Biehl as well as ex-President Malav Shroff, have just returned after the ISAF annual meeting in Dublin, Ireland. I would like to bring to your attention two matters which directly impact you. Our tower trapezing experiment is over. ISAF have banned […]
Silja-Lehtinen Interview on Starting 49erFX
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Tower Trapezing Outlawed

Tower Trapezing, the extreme sailing technique developed by Alan Norregard and Anders Thompsen, has been outlawed at the ISAF meeting in Dublin. Tower Trapezing represents a dramatic change to sailing styles. At it’s best, it reminds of of the development of hiking straps or trapezes by another famous Dane, Paul Elvestrom. At it’s worst it […]
Bronze Medallists Silja Lehtinen and Mikaela Wulff to Start Sailing 49erFX
Finish sailing star Silja Lehtinen announced this week that she and fellow Bronze medal teamate Mikaela Wulff will campaing in the 49erFX for Rio. Thanks to Matti Lettisarri for breaking the story. Silja is no strager to skiffs, having already won the 2006 29er World Chamionships with Scott Babbage prior to her 2008 Ynling and 2012 Match race Olympic […]