2012 Europeans Videos

The Theatre Style Final and Grand Final Summary. For more action go to the event website.  Check the archive for all videos and photos.

SEIKO 49er European Championship – New Format – New Sailors

The 49er Class returns to its roots on Lake Garda this week to contest the 2012 European and Youth World Championship. Lake Garda has held numerous high profile events over the past few months, but the 49ers will be showcasing a new style of racing promising some highlights and exciting action. Racing began on Sunday […]

2012 Europeans

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2012 Olympics

The 2012 Olympic sailing schedule and ticket prices has been relased and be found here The schedule shows 49er competition beginning July 30 with the medal race on August 8. Additional documents & links: WPNSA webcam ISAF Olympics Microsite London 2012 Qualification System NOR Test Event 2011 AUSTRALIA: Nathan Outteridge & Iain Jensen AUSTRIA: Nico […]

49er Class announces an Exciting New Partnership with SAP

17th AUGUST 2012 SAP, the world´s leading provider of enterprise software solutions, has joined forces with the International 49er Class Association to provide technical solutions for the 2012 Seiko European Championship.  SAP will work with the 49er class to deliver a first class online experience for sailors and fans, providing solutions to help annotate and […]

Welcome Members

Welcome to the new 49er Class website. Once you’re logged in, you can post to the Forum and the Buy/Sell sections (in top menu). There will also be member only content posted here from time to time.  Questions and queries to webmaster@49er.org

Technical Overview

Over the past three Olympic cycles the 49er has evolved into a finely tuned boat that is nicely balanced in all conditions with a rig that is able to be adjusted for best performance in each windspeed and sea state. With the FX we have the benefit of this evolution as well as new developments […]

Advantages of the FX…

A proven platform The 49er was a quantum leap in terms of high performance Olympic sailing. It still leads the field. It´s a boat that captures the essence of true Olympic athleticism, based on a strict and well proven one design concept. The FX rig is perfectly suited to the 49er hull. The performance is […]