Man Meat of the 49er Class: You’ll Want to Eat them Right Up!

Buenos Aires, Argentina. A sexy scene of tango clubs, tasty parillos (some of the best steak houses you’ve ever stepped foot near), and of course the suave spanish speaking natives that will have you falling into their rolling “r’s” in no time.

Some other pieces of meat that might get overlooked currently in Buenos Aires for the past couple of weeks are the very athletic, and dangerously juicy men of the 49er class. That’s right ladies, Olympic hopefuls looking to push themselves to the limit for a chance to compete in Rio 2016. These boys know what metals mean the most..cough, gold..cough.

Sailing is stereotypically known for having silver haired, Captain Ahab look-a-likes, but for the boys who knock about in these skiff style boats, it’s more like “Captain Ah-hubba hubba!!”

Aussies, Germans, and Chileans alike – this sport doesn’t discriminate when it comes to good lookin’, premium cuts of athlete. It’s a global sport, looking to expand its reach, so let these sailors cruise into your hearts, but be careful, these pirates might be too caliente to handle!

  1. The Bend and Flex
    Leg and arm day combined…Mmmm, we like!
  2. Mr. Business
    Man meat down. No worries, he’s calm, cool, and collected baby.
  3. A Beautiful Boy
    Just a boy and his boat…Oh, and did I mention he’s got a beautiful Australian Bum?
  4. He’s Just a Regular Guy
    With soft blonde hair, perfect smile, and boyish charm. That’s all.
  5. He’s an Interpretive Dancer
    Did I mention they can dance? It’s all in the hips…
  6. He’s Not Afraid to Show Off his Greatest ASS-ests
    Three words: Buns – Of – Steel
    BGrez-8632 copia
  7. He’s Mr. Positive!
    “Yeah, girl. You look great with your hair piled on top of your head like the smiling poop emoji. I dig it.”

8. These Baby’s Got Some Back

Backs, Biceps, and Big… Oh, my!

9. He’s Very Hands On..

You know what they say about a guy who’s good with his hands…Great back-rubs 😉

10. And, He’s Slightly Mysterious…

Stone cold man of mystery, but don’t be fooled, swipe right on this tinder pic!

**No men were injured during the making of this piece…and hopefully neither was their pride!

Catch all the action from the 2015 49er and 49erFX World Championship
