49er Votes To Recommend Theatre Style Racing for Rio

On Sept 22nd, after 12 months of testing and 3 years of preparation the 49er & 49erFX fleet have voted to recommend that Theatre Style Racing be used for the final of the 2016 Olympics in Rio. There was also overwhelming support for the scoring weight of the final day of the regatta be made […]
Will Women Get Their Chance in the Next AC?

The America’s Cup itself has been a breakthrough event for modern sailing and one that will be remembered as a turning point for our sport. Fast boats, fantastic coverage, a venue that delivers wind all day long, and a venue that puts sailing fans up close to the boats have all been break through. San […]
2013 World Championships – Can Anyone Knock Off the Favorites

Marseille, France is the host venue of the 2013 Seiko 49er & 49erFX World Championships. This championship has the largest attendance for the 49er since 2001, with over 96 49ers registered. Additionally, there are over 53 49erFX teams registered, so the Mediterranean Sea will be a buzz with skiff sailing action. Catch all the action […]
Red Bull Youth America’s Cup Delivers the Great Racing Sailing Needs!

At the half way point of the Red Bull Youth America’s Cup the sailing world is getting to see some exciting racing. With the America’s Cup racing proving to be a dud other than for watching the technology, it has been wonderful to see 2 days of excellent fleet racing. In 4 races there have […]
49er Teams Rising to the Top Within America’s Cup

It’s long been observed in 49er sailing about how long teams stick together for. There have been so many brother combinations some joke about the edge they get training together since birth. While these observations are amusing in Olympic campaigns, there may be more to it. As America’s Cups squads decide their staring line ups, […]

Sunday 7 July 2013 The final day highlight video can be found at: http://youtu.be/tXfkw-rHl5s GOLD TO NEW ZEALAND AND DENMARK IN 49ER AND 49ERFX EUROPEANS The climax day of racing at the SAP 49er & 49erFX Europeans 2013 in Aarhus, Denmark, delivered a nail-biting finale. Crowds came out to witness the action on the […]
49er EM har efterladt ét stort gyldent aftryk

En stor uge i dansk sejlsport er netop afsluttet. 2013 SAP 49er European Championship i Aarhus har flyttet grænserne for, hvad sejlsport er i stand til. Under søndagens finalesejladser var der samlet over 2.000 tilskuere på havnemolen ved Aarhus Lystbådehavn. Mesterskabets storsponsor SAP stod bag tv-livedækning, der nåede ud til sejlerfans fra hele verden, og […]
Aarhusianske heltinder vandt EM-guld

Ida Marie Baad Nielsen og Marie Thusgaard Olsen holdt fast i deres føring og vandt europamesterskabet i 49erFX. Kvindernes tre finalesejladser blev sejlet søndag eftermiddag ud for Aarhus Lystbådehavn, der i dagens anledning var fuldstændig forvandlet. Molen var fyldt med tilskuere, der var kommet for at støtte de danske sejlere i deres jagt på medaljer. […]
Morning Show on Day 6
Morning Show for Day 6 of the Euros
I dag bliver EM-medaljerne fordelt

2013 SAP 49er European Championship afgøres i dag i Danmarks sejlsportsby nummer 1. Siden tirsdag har verdens bedste 49er-sejlere dystet i intense sejladser på Aarhus-bugten, og Danmark har særdeles gode medaljechancer. Især hos kvinderne, hvor de lokale helte Ida Marie Baad Nielsen og Marie Thusgaard Olsen inden dagens finaler fører med 11 point ned til […]