The Junior World Championship of the acrobatic classes is about to start

From pressmare (google translation)

Alto Lario will host the Junior World Championship of the Nacra 17, 49er and 49er FX Olympic sailing classes from Tuesday 2 to Sunday 7 August. The event, organized by the Multilario consortium, with Aval Cdv clubs of Gravedona ed Uniti and Marvèglia di Dongo, sees the collaboration of the Lombardy Region and the Province of Como. Already in these days the 144 crews have invaded Lake Como to train and prepare the boats waiting for the official start on Tuesday, when the inaugural ceremony will be held in the presence of Federal President Francesco Ettorre, the Undersecretary for Sport and Major Events of the Lombardy Region, Antonio Rossi and the President of CONI Lombardia and Marco Riva.

In the Olympic class Nacra 17, with which Ruggero Tita and Caterina Marianna Banti won the gold medal at the last Tokyo Olympics, there will be twenty youth crews competing, including the blues Margherita Porro / Stefano Dezulian (Section Vela Guardia di Finance) and Arto Hirsch / Elettra Orsolini (Compagnia della Vela di Roma) who will do everything to keep in Italy the world title won last year by Gianluigi Ugolini and Maria Giubilei. The Dutch Laila van der Meer / Bjarne Bouwer will aim for the podium, finishing in ninth place at the absolute European Championship held in Aarhus two weeks ago.

In the double 49er, among the 70 crews on the starting line there are five crews with the blue jersey in the race; Poles Mikołaj Staniul / Kuba Sztorch will try to confirm the gold they won at home in 2021, but they will have to contend with the French Théo Revil / Timothee Depery who, after coming close to the podium last year, are now aiming for the most important medal. These are the blues in the race: Gianmarco Mascia / Pietro Cordini (Porto d’Agumu sailing club), Edoardo Valletta / Riccardo Carnelli (Bellano sailing club), Jan Pernarcic / Luca Coslovich (DN Sistiana), Michele Semeraro / Carlo Nicastro (Centro Velico 3V) ), Tommaso Battaglia / Niccolò Galimberti (La Spezia Sailing Club), Lorenzo Pezzilli / Tobia Torroni (CV Ravennate / CN del Savio), Tommaso Banfi / Martino Provinciali (Bellano Sailing Club).

In the acrobatic 49erFX there are six blue crews competing, with Sofia Giunchiglia and Giulia Schio (Circolo Velico Sferracavallo) in the waters of the Alto Lario want to continue the positive wake, which began with ninth place in the Kieler-Wocke regatta. Among the favorites is the German crew made up of Marla Bergmann and Hanna Wille, fourth on equal points with the third at last year’s youth world championship in Poland. In 2021 the title was won by the Italian crew formed by Jana Germani and Giorgia Bertuzzi. The other Italians in the race: Gabriele Venturino / Filippo Vulcanile (Yacht Club Italiano), Federico and Riccardo Figlia di Granara (Circolo del Remo e della Vela Italia), Alfonso Palumbo from Trani (CV Bari) in crew with Edoardo Conti of the Circolo della Vela Arch,

“The presence on the Lario, in Gravedona, of 144 crews who will participate in the regattas representing 32 nations – stated the President of the Province of Como, Fiorenzo Bongiasca – makes clear the significance of an event of great importance not only in sport but also in tourism. “.

“As Mayor of Gravedona ed Uniti – added Cesare Soldarelli – I am very proud of this event. Lake Como is famous not only for traditional tourism but also lends itself to extraordinary experiences in water sports. And the Alto Lario itself is the ideal basin for sailing, starting from the schools to reach the top levels “.
