Sail Melbourne 2015 Begins

Two bullets for David Gilmour and crewman, Rhys Mara, was plenty to give them an early break on the quality 49er fleet before the wind strengthened to the point some crews struggled to stay upright.

On their Sailing World Cup day one Mara said, “It’s really good to be back in Australia and sailing in some really good conditions. The first two races were in moderate conditions, shifty as the wind tried to go to a sea breeze. Then it picked up significantly and we got some true Melbourne conditions. There were a few capsizes by the other boys, thankfully not us. It’s good to get back to the front of the fleet and back to our winning ways after a slightly disappointing worlds.”

On the leap of faith to the new St Kilda venue there is good feedback from competitors. “We’re rigging right on the beach and launching into calm waters, and it’s good to enjoy some of St Kilda and some of typical Melbourne.”

The small fleet of women in the 49erFX Olympic class demonstrated early they are going to push each other hard for the entire series. New Zealanders Ellie Copeland and Erica Dawson at the helm finished a point off Tess Lloyd and Caitlin Elks after three races.

“It was a reasonable first day, we felt like our speed was really good,” Copeland said. “We are trying to learn a lot while we are here. It would be awesome to win, I love it here, it’s closer to the city and I really like the sailing waters, I feel like there are good courses.”

Entries for Sailing World Cup are available to view on the World Cup website here – and results will be available throughout when racing commences on 9 December here –

The racing will be available to watch in 2D and 3D via the live tracking. Live tracking will be available when racing commences via –

Live Tracking via the Sailviewer-3D Tablet App will be available for devices with 7″ or greater screens.
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