I Find This Photo Odd: Challenge Gold Is Trying to Blue Steel Their Way Into Zoolander 2

zoolander 2 watch out, here's a better blue steel

Borrowing from our friends in other sports, IFTPO is a new series of blog posts discussing observations from some of our favourite photos in the Olympic scene.

Racing sailboats can be intense, as intense as any day on a catwalk you might say!  Challenge Gold’s Victoria Jurczok gives us her best ‘Blue Steel‘ on the racecourse.  With both Zoolander 2 and the Rio Olympics upcoming in 2016, Vicky is bound to be a busy girl!  Not familiar with Blue Steel?

The real worry of course is the collateral damage the stare may do.  Does ‘Mainsheet Max‘, the coach of Sailing Team Germany ever catch it?  Maybe after too much coffee?

max coffee

How about the rest of the German 49er Sailors?  Seems like Max Boeme just barely escaped!

Max Boeme Swing

Max Lutz, not so lucky!

max lutz gotten


Makes you wonder how worried Anika is every time she goes in to hoist the kite!

The 2013 SAP 49er & 49erFX European Championship The 2013 SAP 49er & 49erFX European Championship

Catch another lighter moment from the German 49er scene, David Hasslehof, watch out too!

Racing in the World Cup of Sailing Hyeres runs from April 19-26, 2015.  Links to all the action are here including daily live tracking at live coverage of the final day!
