GPS Tracking at Melbourne Worlds

Final report from Marcus Baur

The 49er executive decided in December to give GPS tracking a shot. It was not much time to prepare for it, but it turned out to be a very successful test. Thank you very much to Heiko and Richard who worked day and night to get the data online, despite a terrible internet connection and no proper workspace. There are lots of improvements to make, and issues to solve, but it was a great proof of concept exercise that will hopefully be the steppingstone for more to come. It is also the first 49er Regatta ever which was recorded in this way. If you guys want to show your kids in 20 years time who won these worlds and how they did it the data will still be there.

All the races can now be downloaded at:

This is a more reliable way to watch it since there is no internet connection required after download. But its 120MB so the download takes a while.

The software does not like to be downsized after upsizing it to full screen by the way, so just upsize it once. There are other instabilities but Heiko keeps improving it. The goal is to send the data live online directly on a website so the player becomes obsolete. We also want to implement a continuous ranking and a better topview. Plenty more improvements are in the pipeline. Looking forward to doing this again.

I have also cut a little video. You can find it at:

Thank you for your feedback so far and please keep hitting me with ideas and complaints (

For future events, the class needs to find a sponsor to do this again. We are working on that. It will be a great communication tool for all of you to keep your sponsors and supporters happy.

All the best to all you 49er people,

Marcus B.
