The schedule for Equipment Compliance has been posted for the European Championship – view it here

Class rule compliance inspection for all teams competing in the International 49er Class 2011 European Championship shall commence on Tuesday 5 July 2009 at 1400hrs and concluding at 1830hrs and recommencing Wednesday 6 July 2010 at 1000hrs.
The timetable is based on those teams who have entered and paid the appropriate entry fee (57 teams) as printed in the event Notice of Race.
PLEASE NOTE: No team shall be considered for Pre Event measurement unless the event entry fee has been paid in full and the team members are current financial members of the International 49er Class Association.
All teams are reminded that Mainsails shall be presented with the correct Country flag, country code and sail number in place.
Sail numbers shall be that of the ISAF hull plaque, Personal number or last World Championship top 10 placing. Incorrect identification (sail number) will NOT be event approved.
All competitors are reminded that in accordance with RRS 78.1 you are responsible for ensuring that your equipment is maintained in accordance with the current class rules.
