Jib Bags Up to the Length

Around the boat park there were some complaints about jib bags being too short to fit the jibs the way sailors want to roll them… the  crux of it was that when rolling parallel with the jib battens the sails no long fit in the sail bags.

Well, the good people over at Macdiarmid Sails are already on top of it, “The length of the jib bags was changed last February (2012) extenging them by about 300mm.  All bags since have been to this new length.”

Thanks Ian, ahead of the game as always!

For simple things like the above, it’s actually fairly easy to update and reignite existing designs.  That’s how Port Tack Racks evolved from a garage project to making a slick snowmobile snowboard mount.  It’s all in the customer feedback, so please let us know what needs improving.  BR
