Aarhus ready for the 49er Junior Worlds and open for registration

The 49er Junior World Championship is approaching rapidly and Aarhus is getting dressed to welcome its audience and guests of honor; the 49er sailors participating in the world’s most prestigious race for juniors within this category.

At the time of writing, the forest facing Aarhus Bay where the race will take place is in full bloom, wildlife is returning to the bay from their winter hideouts and on land activity is fierce as preperations for the race are in full swing.

How to get there

Logistically, Aarhus is situated in the middle of Jutland and getting there is easy, especially if you are coming straight from Kiel where the yearly Kieler Woche is ending as the Junior Worlds starts.

Click here to read more about logistics and travel tips if you are planning to joggle both the 49er Junior Worlds and the European Championship in Helsinki the following week – it’s easily done.

Accommodation facilites for every taste

Great accommodation possibilities for the 49er participants are already available for booking, and whether you prefer to hotel rooms, cottages or just simple camping surroundings during your stay the choice is all yours.

Click here to read more about accommodation possibilites during the 49er Junior World Championship.

Notice of race

Notice of race has been published as well. Here you will find all necessary information about the practicalities of the race.

Click here to view the notice of race

Welcome to Aarhus – the city of sailing

Finally, Aarhus and the crew working to make the 49er Junior World Championship successful and memorable are looking forward to welcoming the sailors for three days of fierce competition in perfect surroundings and a great atmosphere.

Aarhus is ready for the 49er Junior World Championship in June – all that is missing is you!
