Garda Perfection

Garda was true to form as it served up 12-18 knots of perfection for the 49er teams at the European and Youth World Championship.  The Silver fleet held 3 races at 10am on the closer course with the Gold fleet being sent out in the afternoon and the Silver back out for one more after […]

Wild Day For Racing

The leftover wind from the frontal system was a bit too much for the skiffs to handle.  Sailors were sent out at 10:30 in a clearing Peler, the northerly wind, but after 2 laps, the race was abandoned and sailors scurried back to Fraglia Vela Riva to wait for the wind to drop.  Sustained wind […]

Second Round of Qualifying Begins

Thunder rumbled between the mountains as the 49ers clocked 3 races each for the Gold and Silver fleets on Lake Garda.  Sailing out of Fraglia Vela Riva, one race was held in light conditions with a 8:30am start in very light conditions and the fleet sent back to shore once the rain began.  After a […]

Local Boys Take the Lead

Local sailors Jacopo Plazzi and Umberto Molineris (ITA) used local knowledge and years spent on Lake Garda to move into the lead for the 49er European Championship.  With an impending front approaching, the winds were light for Garda standards, with 8-10 knots maximum for the day.  Posting a 1-3-3 for the day, Plazzi commented “ […]

SEIKO 49er European Championship - Qualifying Begins

Two races were held for the 49er fleet for the first days of qualifying for the European and Youth World Championship.  Recovering from their epic long distance race held the day prior, the 63 boat fleet were split into two groups and sent to two courses on Lake Garda with seemingly two separate winds. The […]

2012 Europeans Videos

The Theatre Style Final and Grand Final Summary. For more action go to the event website.  Check the archive for all videos and photos.

SEIKO 49er European Championship – New Format – New Sailors

The 49er Class returns to its roots on Lake Garda this week to contest the 2012 European and Youth World Championship. Lake Garda has held numerous high profile events over the past few months, but the 49ers will be showcasing a new style of racing promising some highlights and exciting action. Racing began on Sunday […]

2012 Europeans

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2012 Olympics

The 2012 Olympic sailing schedule and ticket prices has been relased and be found here The schedule shows 49er competition beginning July 30 with the medal race on August 8. Additional documents & links: WPNSA webcam ISAF Olympics Microsite London 2012 Qualification System NOR Test Event 2011 AUSTRALIA: Nathan Outteridge & Iain Jensen AUSTRIA: Nico […]