Teams Warm Up at Rio International Week

The competition is part of the 28th Rio International Week of Sailing and ends on Thursday.  It began on Monday at the Yacht Club of Rio de Janeiro the last stage of the 28th International Sailing Week, with races for the 49er class, and 49erFX.  Just as it has been in recent days, the wind took the show up and the race committee made the sailors waiting for more than an hour on land, before sending the four flotillas to the water. The races began around two in the afternoon, with wind rather weak.

In the shadow of Sugar Loaf, two races were contested by women’s 49erFX and three for the men’s 49er. Later in the day, the Norwegian Helene Naess and Marie Ronningen lead among girls, with Dutch Nina Keijzer and Claire Blom second and Griselda Kling and Sara Tan, Singapore in third.  Among men, the French Manu Dyen and Stephane Christidis are first, with the British Dylan Fletcher and Alain Sign in second, followed by Poles Iukasz Przybytek and Pawel Kolodzinski third.

“It was a very complicated day, the water was difficult to identify what was the exchange of tide and it was the wind. This is a rather complicated race course, but it seems we can sail well, keeping us close the fleet, without doing anything too stupid. This is our fifth time in Brazil, so we’re feeling as local. We are more accustomed to the tide, then the concern is more with the race than with these external factors, “said Alain Sign.

On Tuesday it is expected that up to three races for the 49er and 49er FX will be held

To check out all the competition results visit the official site: The 28th International Week River Sailing is organized Yacht Club of Rio de Janeiro and has the support of CBVela.
