From the Europeans to Santander

Finnlines has given us the following quotation for transport Helsinki –  Bilbao. There are normally departures from Helsinki each week. These prices should be about 25% below normal list prices.

We will come back with more information on booking etc. If you have any questions, please contact  us and we will forward them to Finnlines.

Yours, Patrick Andersson

Combinations of vans/lorries + trailers loaded with 49er sailing dinghies
Sea freight: € 115,-/meter(minimum € 800,-/combination or trailer)
+ bunker, currently 52%
+ reg.fee, EUR 7,50/unit
+ cargo fee, EUR 3,14/cargo ton
Costs in Spain: € 137,-/combination
VAT: 24%

Ship Terms for combinations
Warehouse Terms for trailers 

This quotation does not include vat, documentation, customs clearance, transit charges, terminal handlings, official costs and dues, storage, THC etc. 

Customs status: The customs Status must be declared in accordance with the EU Customs Codex. Either C for Community Goods or TD, when a Customs Document accompanies the transport.

Bookings to:
Valid until 31.8.2014”
