49er AGM – Resolutions Passed

The following resolutions were passed unanimously at the recent World Council meeting held earlier this week

Proposed Class RuleC.7    Limitations:  C.7.5 (b)    For Olympic Games, World Championships, Continental Championships, ISAF Sailing World Cup and other ISAF Grade 1 events only hull and wing assembly’s as manufactured by Licenced Builders who have undergone an official class audit and undertaken by a class appointed auditor shall be eligible for such events.

C.8    Limitation

C.8.2 (c)    As above but replace hull and wing with centreboard and rudder blade.   

Motion was approved unanimously

Proposal to change wording of the Class Rules to comply with ISAF: The International 49er Class rule amendments as tabled at the World Council meeting be approved and on approval sent to ISAF for consideration and on approval the amendments made to the existing class rules and published on both the Class and ISAF webpage. These rules are to affect from December 1 2011. The amendments as proposed are to correct comprehension and remove the IHC acronym from the current class rules and replace with “9er Certified Equipment”. Reason is that the IHC is an ISAF licence agreement to which the class has yet to sign off on, and it is only sails that are ISAF IHC certified at this time.       

     Motion was approved unanimously   

Proposal to change wording of the Constitution: 8.2: The President, Vice President and Chief Financial Officer shall be members of the Association or of one of its member National Class Associations, and be elected by the World Council by postal ballot or written electronic communication for a term of two years. Any retiring officer shall be eligible for re-election provided that he has not served for more than 8 consecutive years in that office unless re-elected with more than 2/3 majority after the 8 year period. This rule will not apply to the Chairman of the Technical Committee. 

Motion was approved unanimously

Proposal to add to the Constitution, a Code of Conduct

One member of every crew  of the 49er Class members entered into an event is required to attend the opening and closing ceremonies.  Failure to comply will mean a potential removal of membership with the result that the team will not be scored at an event until they are reinstated as members.

      Motion was approved with 3 dissenting votes noted


RRS 86.1 (c) indicates that changes to Racing Rule 42 shall refer specifically to the rule and state the change.


(b)  RRS 42 shall apply as amended below:
RRS 42.3 is changed as follows:
(i)     A boat’s crew may pump the mainsail repeatedly to release one or more battens.
        (j)     A boat maybe sculled before the start if the sculling does not propel the boat.
RRS 86.1 (c) indicates that changes to Racing Rule 42 shall refer specifically to the rule and state the change.
In order to fix this problem we would like to propose a class rules change as follows:
(b)  RRS 42.3 shall apply as amended below:
Add to RRS 42.3 is changed as follows:
(i)     A boat’s crew may pump the mainsail repeatedly to release one or morebattens.
(j)     A boat maybe sculled before the start if the sculling does not propel the boat.
As it stands now the class rule seems to imply that the change refers to all RRS 42.3. The proposed amendment solves this problem.

Motion was passedunanimously 

Class Technical Committee

The World Council unanimously voted to co-opt 2 builders representatives to the Class Technical Committee.  For clarification this Committee (for now) will be made up of the Class Measurer, 2 Class Audited Builders and 2 sailors.  This Committee will be chaired by the Class Measurer.  All future technical development and specification changes are to be approved by this Committee before forwarding to ISAF for approval.  The Class Technical Committee will report to the Class Executive.  

Motion passed unanimously

