49er Recalcluation of Hyeres With Elimination Scoring

Hi sailors,

With ‘elimination scoring’ being the basis of the 2013 Europeans for the 49erFX fleet, there is natually interest in how it works and how large the effects are.  I have taken the liberty of recalculating the 49er fleet at Hyeres, 2013.  This fleet of 52 boats is roughly the same size as the 49erFX Europeans fleet will be so it is a decent test of the system.

Here is the official final standings, but showing the qualification races.


I took the final 4 races from the gold fleet and called them the ‘Semi Finals’.  It’s not quite the same as how the 49erFX europeans will be, but not that different either.

Here are the scores added, with a line drawn between 16th and 17th place after 11 races.


In this case, Luca Dubbini would move to the semi final while Stelios would be relegated to the repechage.  Once the fleet has been separated, all of the races are rescored as if only the 16 remaining teams participated.  Ties are kept as ties, and nobodies race score can increase.

Here is a picture with the recalculated points.


The fleet of 16 boats then races their 4 semi final races.  The points are then tallied with no modifications and teams are  ranked 1-16.  The team from 8th moves to the final, the team in 9th is relegated to the petit final.


So Julien D’Ortoli makes the final and Marcus Hansen narrowly misses in 9th.  Once the split is made, then the races are rescored as if only these 8 boats had been racing the whole time.

Here is how that table looks.


So going into the final, this is what the scores would have looked like.  Fletcher and Evans were tied in the official scoring, and in this scoring they are 2 points separated.  The biggest changes are with the inclusion of Alonso and the improvement by Kostov, both on the strengths of their qualifying races.


Here is how it would have theoretically ended.  It’s  little messed up, because the Alonso’s didn’t get to race the final, so some of the points are a bit off, but this is very close to what would have happened.  Of course, people may have altered the way they sailed based on different battles they were in, but that’s not possible to recalculate.


The final positions are almost the same as before.  1 different team made the final.  3rd and 5th places swapped largely on the basis of how the did in the qualifying.  Looking farther back in the regatta, 13 of the 16 boats who made the semi final are the same also.
