Summary of some general topcis from the Open forum and AGM in Garda 2012

Selected highlights from the AGM

The 49er world council approved the updated constitution.  The main change is that the FX is officially integrated into the 49er class thereby creating a single class responsible for both boats.

Special note, there was some worry about the voting power of the sailors being reduced as the new executive is smaller than the previous executive.  The CEO position and one VP position were both removed.  Should the world council believe that there should either be more VPs added or increase voting powers for the VPs they should make a submission to the class to update the constitution again at the 2013 AGM.

Official minutes of the AGM will be posted as soon as practical.


Election for VP.  We have selected Peter Kruger Andersson for VP.

Election for President.  We have selected Marcus Spillane.

Technical Issues:

We have selected the following items to be evaluated by the technical committee and implemented at their discretion

  • Redesigned boom and vang gooseneck fittings
  • The adjustable jib downhaul was defeated.  Any future submissions should include more details and ensure a clean solution that is not easily adjusted during racing.
  • Introduction to Blue Wave turnbuckles.  These newly produced turnbuckles are class legal as per the existing rules… just letting you know.
  • The expansion of the area allowed for sponsor cut outs in the spinnaker was withdrawn after the world council voiced their opinion that the current size of cut outs was adequate for their sponsor needs.
  • Kite shape.  At the 2012 Open forum in Zadar, a number of teams raised the issue of our class spinnaker design. Many teams have requested that the 49er class update to a more modern design (so as to keep up with the FX downwind).  After investigation, it is my recommendation that we continue to use the existing spinnakers through the 2016 cycle and look to update in mid 2016.  The main points of consideration are:
    • oExisting 3 year contract with current supplier
    • oTechnical risk of introducing an untested change so close to 2014 Olympic qualifying
    • o49ers don’t race the FX, so if they go a little fast at time, so be it.
  • Kite cont… in the meantime, new kite development and testing will commence immediately to determine if there are any cascading forces that may need correcting in parallel with a new kite design.

Equipment Doping

A strong statement was made about using equipment outside the rule and spirit of the 49er Class.  With the commercial partners in the lead, 49ers be a class where there is no equipment doping.  It is expected that all sailors contribute and do their part to ensure the fairest competition possible for sailors – it is the best for everyone to make this a reality.

Please continue to send us your suggestions of how equipment can be supplied and maintained according to the letter and spirit of our class rules.

Continental Qualification

Teams are reminded that ISAF is currently persuing a different qualification procedure for the 2016 Rio games than we have been used to.  It is expected that 50% of the Olympic berths will be awarded at the 2014  ISAF worlds in Santander.  The remaining 50% of berths will be awarded at continental qualifiers under a system not yet announced.  Start your preparations for Santander now!  There is a test event scheduled for 2013 and we have arranged our worlds dates so that teams can attend both with useful continuity.

Bon Voyage

We would like to thank outgoing president Malav Stroff for his tremendous influence on the class.  He leaves the class with a healthy balance sheet and a legacy of leading the way to professional class management.  Good luck in your new positions within the world of sailing, you will always have a home with the 9ers.

9er Inc. now managing the Class

The 49er Executive has signed a management agreement with a new company called 9er Inc.  9er Inc. will be managed by Ben Remocker (of Port Tack Charter and Canadian Olympic fame).  9er Inc. will have 2 mandates.

Firstly 9er Inc will manage Julian Bethwaites properties with regard to both the 29er and 49er.  Builder licences, spec changes, and territories, etc.

Secondly, and most applicable to the sailors, Ben will manage the class affairs on a full time basis.  Our class events, like the NA’s, Worlds, and Europeans will all be managed on the class end by 9er Inc.

Contact Ben with your ideas for the class.

Events for 2013

It is the plan to do the following events.

  1. North Americans – Jan 18-20 in Miami, USA
  2. Europeans – July in Aarhaus, Denmark
  3. Worlds – Sept 24-29 in Marseilles, France
  4. Youth Worlds – ?  The plan is to do a stand alone event in a European location that fits into another regatta on the existingPlease send your expressions of interest through.