Sail-World spoke to the Olympic 49er crew, Peter Burling and Blair Tuke, who paralleled the HSBC Coastal Classic fleet, in the 119nm dash to the Bay of Islands.

After taking 9.5 hours for the trip, the pair were a little sore, their legs ached, and they were strugging to be able to walk, but were otherwise fine.

The trio was eventful with two pitchpolings and four capsizes. However even so the 49er was able to lead all the 50fters to Cape Brett, at the entrance to the Bay of Islands, before turning left and sailing hard on the wind into the finish line off Russell. The finished just behind the top two 50fters, Wired and Georgia Racing. They were cheered across the finish line by the crew of Alfa Romeo, who three hours before had set a new race record.

Top speed for the 49er, which Burling and Tuke have beens sailing for just 12 months, was 20.8kts.

A forecast of 25kts easing during the race was sufficent to get the crew committed to starting with the fleet, a second 49er also started, but withdrew. — Richard Gladwell, full article on these wonderful lunatics here

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