Statement – International 49er Class CNC New Hull Mould

Over the past weeks there has been a great deal of "boat park" talk and innuendo concerning a "new hull".

The International 49er Class wish to issue the following statement:

Following an inspection of the existing original 49er hull moulds it was realised that the "use by date" had arrived.  In order to stay at the cutting edge of high performance sailing it was agreed by the Designer and Builders that the time had come for the moulds to be replaced with new state of the art CNC cut moulds.

Dave MacKay took responsibility and lead the process.  After months of tedious work he has now finalised the master plug.  From this master plug 3 moulds are being made (1 for Ovington, MacKay and Bethwaite respectively).

NOTHING has changed with respect to shape or tolerances.  

It is hoped that the first of the hulls from the new plugs will be available sometime in May.
