2012 South American Championship the Start of a Big 4 years

After 4 days of racing, the 2012 49er South American championship ended after completing 9 races.
Organized by the “Club Universitario Buenos Aires” in Argentina, 6 boats raced for the South American title.
2 boats from brazil, and 4 boats from Argentina, made this regatta a great chance for the teams to prepare for the next European season.  Here are the results from the 2012 South American Champoinships.
Between the competitors, the Brazilian team helmed by Fonseca was the favorite.  They had a huge amount of experience in the 49er including 4 Olimpic games and blasted the regatta. They were followed closely by the Argentinean team Wagmaister – Correa Henderson, which gave a tough fight to the winning team.
“These days in Buenos Aires were quite important for us, because we had the chance to train and race together with a high profile team such as the Brazilians. It was very positive for the new teams, to sail together with very experienced sailors such as Andre “Bochecha” Fonseca, said Juan Martin Correa, president of the South American 49er class, and 49er Argentina.
There is a lot of activity on the South American contient with new 49er and 49erFX teams starting all the time.  A complete regatta circuit is being prepared as they expect to host crews from around the world for the years leading up to the Rio Olympics.  Here is a link to the racing photos.
The 2013 South American championship will be held in Florianopolis, Brasil, in November.  It is expected that some European teams will be racing this regatta to enjoy the summer temperatures and good winds.
By: Tomas Wagmaister